Australia: Australia’s Local Government To Pay States To Sell Off Infrastructure
Reuters reports that the Australian government announced that it will pay states to sell off assets of an estimated USD 92.58 billion in infrastructure to investors. According to the article, some large funds have already classified Australian assets as an attractive investment option.

Japan: All Three Arrows Of Abenomics Need An Overhaul
Alexander Friedman and Kiran Ganesh at UBS Wealth Management argue that all three components of the Japanese Prime Minister’s economic policy known as Abenomics need to be revamped.

Ukraine: Ukraine Faces Painful Slog To Economic Recovery
Reuters reports that the International Monetary Fund (IMF) agreed on lending to the government a loan of USD 14-18 billion, as part of a two-year bailout package in exchange for austerity measures. The deal bring the country in a closer relationship with the west.

Greece: Euro Zone Not Preparing Third Greek Bailout So Far, Says Official
Ekathimerini reports that the Euro Zone is not making any preparations for a third bailout for Greece and will consider it only if expressly asked by Athens, which has not happened so far.

Brazil: Brazil To Meet Budget Goal As Tax Revenues Pick Up – Augustin
Reuters reports that, according to Treasury Secretary Arno Augustin, tax revenues in Brazil will pick up gradually throughout this year as economic growth quickens, helping the government meet its budget savings target.

For latest economic indicators from around the world, please visit us at FocusEconomics.

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